LED Jesus
This LED-equipped sign makes an impressive display for churches and residential homes. The sign spells out the name Jesus in vibrant, cursive typeface. This holiday decoration is 44 inches by 68 inches in size, making it ideal for outdoor display. The LED Jesus sign features a powder-coated, rust-resistant steel frame that is mounted with 150 golden LED light bulbs. These bulbs have been designed with the consumer in mind. Should any of them become damaged or burn out and lose their brilliant golden color, the bulbs can be easily removed and replaced. However, these LEDs are commercial-grade quality, meaning they should last a long time before their brilliance begins to dim. This sizable Christmas ornament has been designed and crafted to produce an eye-catching and lovely display. As mentioned before, the letters in this sign are spelled out in cursive text, complete with elaborate serifs. Because of its size, the LED Jesus sign is especially fit for exterior display, but it can also be used in an indoor setting. In fact, churches may like to use this sign all year long as a bright reminder of Christ. This holiday ornament can be used on its own or paired with other LED displays, such as the LED Peace sign or the LED Hope sign.