LED Holly with Berries
With its formidable size, electronic potency, and being universally recognized as a Christmas symbol this LED Holly with Berries is a charming and absolutely beautiful piece of exterior holiday display, one that will, by itself or with additional decoration, add immense appeal to the outside wall of your home or office building. Not only is this product immensely pretty to behold, it is also designed to be convenient and long-lasting for your benefit. To ensure longevity and a consistent shape throughout its lifetime, this prestigious ornament has been created with a frame made out of rust-resistant, powder-coated steel. In spite of its durability, the steel has been expertly molded to create six different, combined shapes. Three frames create the impression of holly leaves, complete with jagged edges and a central, bisecting vein. There are also three circles, representing berries, in place of the leaves’ stems. Each leaf paired with a berry, the duets are combined in the middle, resulting in an ultimate triangular formation. More impressive than the steel frames, however, are the 100 powerful LED lights clinging to them. In accordance with the themes of the holidays—as well as what the ornament itself is representing—these lights are red and green. The red lights add vibrancy to the berries, while the green lights give the three leaves their brilliance and potency. Furthermore, the lights are spaced two inches apart from one another to ensure the ambiance remains smooth and even. An immense size of 33 inches by 36 inches will draw attention toward the ornament, and viewers will be washed over by its brilliant display colors. But do not feel you are restricted to using this magnificent piece of holiday decor only on exterior settings as the LED Holly with Berries is also a great product to use for indoor display purposes.